Page name: day-dreamers united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-08 12:48:15
Last author: ~Lady Morgana~
Owner: ~Lady Morgana~
# of watchers: 24
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*Day-Dreamers United*

Do you know the situation, you are sitting somewhere ... dreaming ... someone touches you and you are really shocked because you were lost in your mind? THAN LADY OR GENTLEMAN you are a DAY-DREAMER!!! ;)

With me its always the same! If there is a very boring person talking and talking I am lost.
I love driving with a train because there I am able to dream ... the most annoying thing about our society is that nobody is able to take the time to dream!!!!!

I would be pleased to know that you are real day-dreamers, so I would like to hear about you dreams, all your imagined situations and your wishes!!!

I m very sorry that your old banner isn t working anymore!!! But i made a banner room for all our ideas!!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]

*the day-dreamers*


*day dreamer banner room*

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2004-05-24 [~Lady Morgana~]: WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

2004-05-24 [~Lady Morgana~]: you re welcome dark vamp!!!^^

2004-05-25 [deleted, gone]: how r u all?

2004-05-25 [~Lady Morgana~]: i m fine,thanks!^^ how about you???

2004-05-26 [deleted, gone]: ehh been better but not bad

2004-05-28 [Evil Faerie Feline]: can i join plz coz dreams r so much beta than reality (most of the time)

2004-05-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: you re right!!!^^i ll sign you up!!!^^

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: Hi Everyone! I was supposed to go and write something about reincarnation...I've already been on all week...tss time to tell the tale!

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: Reincarnation to me is a fact. I don't just believe it,I know it's true!

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: I have knowledge of some of my own past lives,and I used to discuss it with my mom as well.

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: She knew a whole lot and told me about all the worlds/dimensions that are out here you can call them hells or heavens also...but there's an infinite number of them...there might also be different worlds than those...

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: I think it makes a whole lot of sense,the whole karma-growth thing,you will always get what you deserve. And it would just be so strange to just live one life...come on how could you possibly experience all there is in one single life?

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: O I think IndigoRose asked me what I wanted to incarnate in if I could decide on it...O well just as another human being I guess...although I would love to know what it's like to fly like a bird!

2004-05-29 [Fleuryrose]: What would you guys like to become ?

2004-05-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: i would like to become a cat!that would be a nice life i think ... eating,sleeping ... well it would be dangerous too but well isn t a human life too? ;) i belive in reeincarnation too!!!

2004-05-30 [Evil Faerie Feline]: i dunno, i guess a wolf wud b fun tho

2004-05-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: yay

2004-05-31 [IndigoRose]: If i had a choice, I would also come back as a wolf....or bengal tiger

2004-05-31 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: why a bengal tiger? why not go for a white tiger? More chances of being shot by some poacher... or be caught and taken some place... Why not a fish! Filly my trailer with water!

2004-05-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: lol ... i think a tree would be nice too!!!!plants ...!!!!! :D

2004-05-31 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o? I'd wanna be a werewolf... don't ask...

2004-05-31 [Fleuryrose]: Plants Rock!! As silly as this sounds....they do!!

2004-05-31 [BigGiantX]: i would be a bird and flying high!

2004-05-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: well it very interesting!!!!

2004-05-31 [Evil Faerie Feline]: i wonder what it's like to be a bat....

2004-05-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah!!!

2004-05-31 [Evil Faerie Feline]: but i think I'd get confused with all the ecolocation...

2004-05-31 [Fleuryrose]: Well if you'd be a bat,you'd know all about it of course! It's what you grow up with then!

2004-05-31 [Evil Faerie Feline]: o yeah, stupid me. But i grew up with legs and i still fall over

2004-05-31 [Fleuryrose]: hahaha, really? I get the feeling! I'm gonna lay down now! I'm tired!

2004-05-31 [Evil Faerie Feline]: me 2 soooo tired im fallin asleep on the keyboarkljifuqzzzzz

2004-05-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: hae .... hehehheheheheee

2004-05-31 [Evil Faerie Feline]: =)

2004-05-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: ^^

2004-06-01 [Fleuryrose]: Hello fellow nutters!

2004-06-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: WEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2004-06-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: back from the alien stomack????

2004-06-01 [Fleuryrose]: ahhahah a I was laughing so loud!!!

2004-06-01 [Fleuryrose]: hahhaa My voice is coming back now a little....^_^

2004-06-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: lol ... cedric told me ... but i didn t get the point of it .... ;)

2004-06-01 [Fleuryrose]: Well,I said my voice was coming back,and he said wow I'm glad because paco will call you this thursday...and I was like O yeah...but it's still a little scarysounding...that paco might not believe it would be really me but perhaps he thought I would be eaten by an alien who would answer in my place...and then C said could be stuck in his stomach....hahahaha ^_^

2004-06-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: lol how funny!!!!^^

2004-06-01 [Fleuryrose]: I know!!! hahahaha =)

2004-06-01 [Fleuryrose]: And no,I haven't spoken with Adam yet!

2004-06-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: okie

2004-06-03 [Fëalos]: I dream about my own world Aquinia and about all kinds of impossible things...Really cool but sometimes (like when I have to learn my examinations) annoying...

2004-06-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: thats so cool to have an own world!!!!^^

2004-06-03 [Evil Faerie Feline]: i got 1 2, its full of dragons and other mythical creatures

2004-06-04 [Fëalos]: mine is full of angels, elfs, dwarps, unicorns, some kind of magic, humans, halflings, halfangel-halfelf,...It's so much better than the world there seem to be around here...That's why you just can find me smiling at nothing while I daydream about my world. that's when I see, hear and even can touch the things in my world :) I love it :) By the way, is it ok for me to join?

2004-06-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: O.o kool, i started to write a book on mine....

2004-06-04 [Fëalos]: me too!

2004-06-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: i didnt get very far tho, i get bored too easily

2004-06-04 [~Lady Morgana~]: YEAH!!!!!of cause you can join us,lil sweet dreamer!!!! :D

2004-06-04 [unavailable]: could you put a link to my wiki on also? *puppy eyes* :p forgotten childs

2004-06-04 [~Lady Morgana~]: of cause sweetness!!! ;)

2004-06-04 [Fëalos]: yes :D Offcially a daydreamer *proud* And my stories I don't know they never get me bored...I just love writing them..And hih :) I'm a lil sweet dreamer :P

2004-06-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: if ur adding links, hear to dry your tears

2004-06-04 [~Lady Morgana~]: of cause i do!!!! :D

2004-06-04 [unavailable]: thank you :) -hug-

2004-06-04 [Fëalos]: hehe...Hooverphonic is cool music to dream on :)

2004-06-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: thankooo

2004-06-04 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh i don t know them ... and evil fearie & nightflower you re welcome!!!huggles ^^

2004-06-04 [unavailable]: :)

2004-06-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: =)

2004-06-04 [~Lady Morgana~]: :D:D:D:D:D:D

2004-06-04 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: we don't need any more members...

2004-06-04 [Elfeling]: but i wanna be one of them.. cause i am a dreamer too i dream about the things that aren't really there but they are.. can you see it too?

2004-06-04 [Fëalos]: why not? Is there a limit on dreaming? Is there a limit on people who can dream? I don't think so. Dreaming is for free, dreaming is for everybody. By saying no more members, you are saying no to dreaming...

2004-06-04 [unavailable]: totally argree

2004-06-04 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah I am happy we have so much members now!!! Welcome All!

2004-06-05 [unavailable]: -hugs all new members- :p

2004-06-05 [Fëalos]: -hugs all current members- =)

2004-06-05 [Elfeling]: give a kiss to everyone cause hey everybody dreams but not everybody is member of this :p

2004-06-05 [Fëalos]: -dreams of a kiss-

2004-06-05 [Elfeling]: that's it :)

2004-06-05 [Fëalos]: and now I'm dreaming of leaving everything behind me, not that I've got problems, just leave the current life I have and go to Paris witht he train to then go forward to a poor African country to help the people there...Just wandering around, you know =)

2004-06-05 [deleted, gone]: sounds cool, im joining the peace cor

2004-06-05 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,I keep dreaming of doing so also!

2004-06-05 [~Lady Morgana~]: hey you all!!! *kisses* i want to say anything cause i m the leader!!!EVERYBODY CAN BECOME A MEMBER!!!!!NO LIMIT!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

2004-06-05 [deleted, gone]: wouldnt that b great!!!

2004-06-05 [Fëalos]: very cool :) *kisses everybody*

2004-06-05 [deleted, gone]: *kiss*

2004-06-05 [deleted, gone]: do they have a web site?

2004-06-05 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: No... I disagree... this really should be debated...

2004-06-06 [IndigoRose]: *blushness* I only came in to check on things and I've already been kissed? lol

2004-06-06 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah!!!*kisses* angelboy ... why do you think this????O_o

2004-06-06 [Fëalos]: well lets debate...all who says no to dreaming says no and all who is for dreaming says yes :) I say yes

2004-06-06 [Elfeling]: YES!! :p let's keep on dreaming

2004-06-06 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: I disagree with thundereye.... we're not stopping dreaming.... I think we need a 'chat' place for this...

2004-06-06 [Fëalos]: maybe...but with saying that there can't be any members anymore you are saying no to those people to talk about their dreaming adventures...(look at how good I can imitate Bush :P )

2004-06-06 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: no... you didn't chuckle!

2004-06-07 [Fëalos]: chuckle? And it's just matter of interpretation :)

2004-06-07 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: that laugh he does...

2004-06-07 [Fëalos]: oh sorry...I don't even want to hear that laugh of him...(I always switch channel when he is talking to much)

2004-06-07 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: which is ALL the time...

2004-06-07 [Fëalos]: lucky me we only get to see some parts of his [biep]speeches so we miss a lot of his [bieps]...=)

2004-06-07 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: no cussing here... this place should be clean... you know...

2004-06-07 [Fëalos]: better now? :)

2004-06-07 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: yes... much....

2004-06-07 [~Lady Morgana~]: WHAT are you talking about??? O_o

2004-06-07 [Fëalos]: the words I used to describe Bush's speeches :P

2004-06-07 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh i see ;)

2004-06-07 [Fëalos]: other subject please before everybody falls asleep...

2004-06-08 [deleted, gone]: lol yeah Bush has that affect on many!

2004-06-08 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: anyways....

2004-06-08 [Elfeling]: zzzzzzz :p no i am not asleep i am only dreaming people.. zzzzzz

2004-06-08 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,oo"

2004-06-08 [deleted, gone]: every1 done w/school

2004-06-08 [~Lady Morgana~]: i hate bush!!!! ... but ahm ... what do you mean cc???

2004-06-08 [Evil Faerie Feline]: every1 hates bush

2004-06-08 [deleted, gone]: i was asking if everyone is out of school yet. Graduated or for summer?

2004-06-09 [~Lady Morgana~]: no ... my holidays start at the end of june ... :/

2004-06-09 [Evil Faerie Feline]: mine start in july

2004-06-09 [Fëalos]: still have to do exams...but I've got vacation from 30th of june..yeah...I should write my novel during that vacation, I think

2004-06-09 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah!!!a novel is a cool thing!!!i always wanted to write one ....

2004-06-10 [deleted, gone]: IM GRADUATING!!!YEAHOOT!

2004-06-10 [deleted, gone]: i was unsure till 2day

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: Great! Congrats!!! ^_^

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: my sis' graduated....

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: Congrats on that Angelboy!!! How are you?

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: good et toi?

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: pretty good also

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: I am kind of in love right now,so I feel great!!!

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: great! love rules :)

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: I know! To live in love is what we all are here for!

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: mm...actually we all are hear without a reason but love makes everything look better. Anyway...Guns'NRoses with Sympathy for the devil is playing...I like the song :)

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: I think the only reason we are here is to celebrate life,love,light and laughter. We are created by love,we are light creatures and we do have an ego to balance it all. But that's why were here...I keep coming to this point. I think it really must be true.

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,O

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: I don't know much about what the reason could be we are's a nice thought you have over there and when I'm feeling this happy as you seem to be I would love to say the same thing but I don't know at this moment's all kinda empty, blurry, nostalgic today. Not bright enough to see the things as they are...actually...I'm seeing things as they not are (well not in this reality...) Yeah you could say I'm half in reality and half in my own world, Aquinia :)

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: make sure you don't float away completely...I have that tendency as dream and to forget about daily earth business...One has to ground in order to stay focused. Any idea what I mean by this?

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: I think so...a quote in dutch 'Wie met zijn voeten op de grond staat en met zijn hoofd in de wolken loopt is een waarlijk groot mens' I think I always have to find my balance between those two...but I won't float away completely...I've had worse... =)

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: Okay,that's cool then Konrad! We have to keep reminding ourselves that we need the earth and we need the connection with her as well. I learned an exercise for it,a visualisation. Do you meditate?

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: thundereyes, that quote doesn't really make sense...

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: Why not?

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: who stands with feet on the ground and head in the clouds is a big guy... sure phisically but what does tthat do with what we are talking about?

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: Come's true if you can keep the balance between being down-to-earth and being able to dream away all the way into the sky...that's a great thing!

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: THAT is true...

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: It means that if you are a really spiritual person and you meditate and also need to keep an eye on what's happening in your life/right in front of you. You need to ground.

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: indeed :) and the quote means what Fleurisaint said

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ,<* I GET THAT!

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: My way to ground is: to eat right,try to sleep enough and to do a certain exercise/visualisation,that goes like this: You sit down,close your eyes and start thinking of a red rope/chain going into the earth,starting at your tailbone,and both your feet,it goes into the earth as deep as it's core/centre and you cramp/root it there. It will make sure you get enough positive energy from it and you can release all bad energy back into it.

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: :) good

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: can you explain that?

2004-06-11 [Fleuryrose]: I have to go,will come back tommorow! Bye!

2004-06-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok... cya!

2004-06-11 [Fëalos]: bye

2004-06-12 [Fleuryrose]: What did you want me to explain Angelboy?

2004-06-13 [dark_vamp]: hey everyone i am back!what did i miss?

2004-06-13 [deleted, gone]: not much lol

2004-06-13 [~Lady Morgana~]: hey you all!!!!*hugs*

2004-06-14 [deleted, gone]: *hugs*

2004-06-15 [Fleuryrose]: Did any one of you daydreaming people know of this particular grounding-exercise? Or do you know of any other ones...please post them in here!

2004-06-16 [AlLiSoN =)]: hello

2004-06-16 [deleted, gone]: thats interesting, ill have to try it

2004-06-17 [Fleuryrose]: You should,it really helps!

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: ill try tonight thanx

2004-06-18 [Zaran's Song]: Oo hey, I'd like to join! I just switch off, sometimes... I suppose it has something to do with being a hopeless romantic, but I just head off into my own little world when I'm displeased with this one.

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: i know the feeling, wish i could switch off!

2004-06-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh after work i always lie in my bed and start dreaming ...the whole time!!!i really love it!!!!today i dremt about meeting someone on sunday ... i m NOT in love ... just dreaming how it could end ... or what will happen ... kind of weird but better to be prepared!!! ;) ... oh and Zaran's Song i ll sign you up!!!!! :D

2004-06-18 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: continue dreaming Fornania

2004-06-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: i see!!!you love it???

2004-06-21 [BinaryPhoenix]: Can I join?

2004-06-21 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o>

2004-06-23 [~Lady Morgana~]: of cause!!!^^ i ll sign you up!!! :D

2004-06-23 [~Lady Morgana~]: so people how are you all???

2004-06-23 [Fleuryrose]: Good Good Good It's all rainy and stormy in here! I just came home and laid down for a bit,well darnit I fell asleep! ^_^

2004-06-23 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh here the weather is changing the whole time  :/ the whole morning it rained ... than it was okay ... than a thunderstorm and now the sun is shining ... this weater *shakes head*.but good to hear that you re all right!!!!^_^

2004-06-23 [Fleuryrose]: We have the exact same kind over here!

2004-06-23 [~Lady Morgana~]: *lol* unbelivable ...

2004-06-23 [deleted, gone]: i had a dream i met someone who was really cool kinda punk, then @ the blink 182 concert i was talking to the guy behind our row we hit it off and talk almost every night very odd

2004-06-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: why is it odd??? ... please welcome our new member [efulin]!!!! :D

2004-06-28 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: haha! je suis is returned!

2004-06-28 [Fleuryrose]: Hi Aoife!! Welcome,welcome! I think it's great you do Irish Dancing!!! And sword fighting it sounds so cool! ^_^

2004-06-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah i think so too!!!by the way:HEY YOU DREAMERS!!!!! :D :D :D howa u all????

2004-06-28 [efulin]: *dreaming* hey! :) I am pretty fine - in dreams again ;)

2004-06-28 [Fleuryrose]: Cool!

2004-06-28 [Nazkrut]: I'm okay

2004-06-28 [efulin]: to Fleuri(s)aint: hey! ;) hihi....well, sword fighting I do only time to time.With my friends.But you should try it. It's fun. :)

2004-06-28 [Zaran's Song]: What kind of sword do you use? I'm into broadsword play and a bit of fencing myself, but what I'm better with is a scythe.

2004-06-29 [Fëalos]: and I'm trying to learn myself how to 'fight' with this iron stick that is hollow, pretty cool, because it's like 'swoef!' I called it the Taleon way of fighting :) I think you best can describe it as some sort of swordfighting but with an iron hollow stick

2004-06-29 [~Lady Morgana~]: hihi one day i had a fight with my lil brother in the garden .. but we only used long sticks but it was still fun!!!!! :D

2004-06-29 [Zaran's Song]: One time I went to this outdoor cafe down in denver and me and my friend fenced each other with some long loaves of french bread. In public. That was so much fun.

2004-06-29 [Evil Faerie Feline]: lol, doin crazy stuff is so fun. Last weekend me and my b/f went realli hyper and started messing around on the lil kids play area in the pouring rain...

2004-06-29 [Fëalos]: hihi :) my arms hurt with all this practicing of my technics

2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: Haha,how cool,you people all are such funny creatures!! I love you! ^_^ Swordfighting...but is it allowed with real metal/iron swords?

2004-06-29 [~Lady Morgana~]: hihihihi yeah crazy stuff is so much fun!!!! :D

2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: Hey Mailin,honey!! ^_^

2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: I am going to buy a brand new pillow for you to sleep on tommorow!


2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

2004-06-29 [deleted, gone]: new member! *hugs aoife*


2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: Whee,hugging is cool! Let's hug people!!! haha imaginary hugging,how lovely!

2004-06-29 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: you guys like hugging...

2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: Well,don't you? Hugging is great,because it shows the love,warmth and appreciation you have for a person. Who wouldn't want that to show?

2004-06-29 [~Lady Morgana~]:


2004-06-29 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: that's a BIG hug...

2004-06-29 [Fëalos]: such a big hug back :)

2004-06-29 [Fleuryrose]: Wow gigantic!!!

2004-06-29 [Zaran's Song]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! gerroff me! THE LOVE! IT BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSS! I am not a loving person. Not in most cases, anyway.

2004-06-29 [deleted, gone]: wutcha all doin?

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